Founding Partner
Email: fhoet@hoetpartners.com
Teléfono: + 58 212 201 8503
Areas of Practice
- Patents
- Intellectual Property
- Foreign Investments, International Trade, Investments, Banks, Finance, Competition, Foreign Exchange Control
- Energy, Natural Resources, Utilities, Concessions
- Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Spanish
- English
- French
- Comparative Law. International Faculty of Comparative Law. France, Holland, Venezuela. 1969 – 1971
- Public Administration. Escuela Nacional de Alcalá de Henares, Spain 1969
- Ph.D. in Comparative Public Finance. University of Paris, France. 1969
- Master in Financial Economics. Institut International d’Administration Publique. Paris, France. 1968
- Law Degree. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela. 1967
Professional Experience
Franklin entered Estudio Bentata in 1974, which three years later became Estudio Bentata Hoet & Asociados. He was founding partner of Bentata Hoet & Asociados (1979), currently HPCD. In recent years, Franklin has dedicated part of his professional activity to mediation and international negotiation, specializing in intellectual property.
- Senior Partner at HPCD.(FICPI)
- President of the World Jurist Association (1991-1993 / 2015-2017)
- Arbitrator and mediator of World Services Group, USA, 2006.
- Arbitrator at the International Court of Arbitration and Conciliation Specialized in Intellectual Property. Bogota, Colombia, 2006.
- Mediator of the Arbitration Center of the Caracas Chamber, 2006.
- Arbitrator of the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI), 2004.
- Mediator of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center.
- President and Co-founder of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
- World Jurist Association
- Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (FICPI)
- Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI)
- Venezuelan Association of Industrial Property Agents (COVAPI)
Franklin Hoet-Linares has authored several legal Works edited in Venezuela, such as La Protección de los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual en las Américas [Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Americas]; El Petróleo, Causa de Guerra o Instrumento para la Paz [Oil, Cause of War or Instrument for Peace]; El Petróleo: Instrumento para la Paz y el Desarrollo [Oil: Instrument for Peace and Development]; El Alcance y Ámbito de Aplicación de la Ley Venezolana de Minas y la Clasificación de los Minerales [The Scope and Sphere of Application of the Venezuelan Law on Mines and Mineral Classification]; Efectividad de los Derechos de Propiedad Industrial en Venezuela [Effectiveness of Industrial Property Rights in Venezuela]; El Contrato de Franquicia en Venezuela [The Franchise Contract in Venezuela]; Pilatos Modernos [Modern Pilates], La Mediación como Fórmula Alterna de Controversias en la Propiedad Intelectual [Mediation as an Alternative Formula for Intellectual Property Disputes]; La Independencia del Abogado y su Compromiso Social [Lawyer’s Independence and Social Commitment]; La Mediación, Administración y Negociación de Justicia Alterna [Mediation, Administration and Negotiation of Alternative Justice], and Más Allá del Derecho, entre Abogados te veas [Beyond the Law, when surrounded by lawyers…].
Speaking Engagements
Franklin Hoet-Linares has been an international speaker on several legal and business topics. He has participated as lecturer in congresses and conferences organized by guild associations of intellectual property, mediation and mining, and gas and hydrocarbons in five continents, promoting values such as life, peace, justice and human rights.